The last few weeks of being a mom have been completley insane! I'm sooo grateful because the last few days have been mundane and uneventful! yay..... just to mention a few my little boy and his buddy brought a dead mouse in the house and felt sorry for it. They wrapped it up in his bed and tried to feed it cheese....after the mouse declined (because it was no longer living or hungry!!) they decided to eat the cheese. Then my sweet little girl fell off of something that was much to high for her to be on and had to go to the docs. ( who by the way didn't lecture me a spec because I was blubbering in the corner) Then the same two little boys started a nice little camp fire in my back yard! ....Not ready to laugh about that one yet- YES I AM THE MOTHER OF THE YEAR! Thanks to the other writers of this blog mom and sis for all the support the last two weeks- one more on the way..... I know.... everyones scarred. Any sympathy or stories of your MOTHER OF THE YEAR Stories would be appreciated.....


  1. You are SO funny! And you should get mom of the year...if your kids don't start at least one fire while growing up, then you were WAY to overprotective. My sis and I almost burnt the house down one Christmas Eve playing with matches in our closet!! Ahh, the memories.

  2. Just think of the things my kids have done and you will instantly feel better. I won't mention these know I don't want to tarnish my perfect image:)
